Dual Immersion » Mission, Vision, and Goals

Mission, Vision, and Goals

Beardslee would provide a child-centered, cultural, inclusive, and rigorous educational foundation through the implementation of the Spanish/English dual language immersion program. 

The vision is to promote student bilingualism and biliteracy, academic achievement across content areas, and acquire multicultural competency. 

Through a structured and positive dual language program, students will enhance their social-emotional learning and gain cultural tolerance in an ever-changing diverse society. 

Beardslee's three goals are aligned with the dual immersion framework pillars. 

Goal 1: Bilingualism and biliteracy. 

  • Students will use their language repertoires to enhance second language development.
  • Students will learn how to bridge both languages to successfully reach biliteracy. 
Goal 2: Academic achievement.
    • Students will develop academic language in both Spanish, which then bridges over to English. 
    • Students will be able to make language connections across content areas. 

Goal 3: Cultural competency .

  • Students will learn from the diversity within the school community and beyond. 
  • Students will build worldly knowledge which will allow them to develop a growth mindset. 
  • Students will develop social skills which will help them be successful in a global community.